Open Letter To the Israeli and

U.S. Governments and Others

Weaponizing the Issue of Rape

All too often in the fog of war, the brutality of sexual assault and rape is lost in the public eye, and bringing these abuses to light is something for which feminists have fought for decades. Complicating this issue, however, is the fact that accusations of sexual assault have also been wielded as a tool of war – and as an (often lethal) weapon of racism and colonialism.

In its current war against the people of Gaza, the Israeli government has chosen to weaponize the issue of sexual violence for political outcome. The statement below will be delivered to officials of the Israeli government who have mounted a public crusade manipulating this issue to both legitimize – and divert attention from – their campaign of ethnic cleansing, to dehumanize Palestinians, and to vilify those who criticize their actions. It will also be sent to U.S. officials, prominent public figures and others who, with intention or misguidedly, have joined the fray by demonizing a variety of feminist organizations and individuals. In some cases, these attacks have included orchestrated campaigns to withdraw funding for critical work. They have also fueled harassment and doxing of staff or board members that, reprehensibly, has included threats of rape and death.

The statement was initiated by U.S.-based anti-zionist Jewish feminists who believe we have a particular responsibility to speak out in support of Palestinian rights and against the current genocide. It has since garnered support from across the U.S. and throughout the world. Many of the signers have worked on or researched the issue of sexual violence for decades. Many have directly supported survivors and/or are survivors ourselves. Collectively, we are accustomed to holding complicated realities in our minds, which we believe to be a necessary practice in a complex and unjust world.

The signers of this statement stand together both in condemning all instances of war crimes – including sexual violence – and in defending those who are under attack for challenging Israel’s deadly assault on Palestinians.

In the face of these attempts to intimidate or discredit us, we refuse to be silenced.



We, the undersigned, are responding to the disgraceful coordinated offensive currently being leveled against feminist, women’s advocacy, Jewish anti-zionist, and other organizations, agencies and individuals, accusing us of “failing to condemn” reported systematic sexual assaults of Israeli women and children in the brutal October 7 attack by Hamas. We repudiate the attempts by the Israeli government, and its apologists, to delegitimize our work, defund social justice and feminist organizations, and undermine our demands that Israel cease its genocidal massacre of Palestinians.

Whether we identify as feminists, as Jews, as anti-zionists, as all of the above, or as allies, and wherever we are based in the world, we proclaim that we can hold many truths simultaneously in our heads and in our hearts; that is what we do every minute of every day. We excoriate rape and all forms of sexual assault against anyone of any gender or age – whether perpetrated by Hamas, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) or anyone else. We also excoriate carpet bombing of civilians, deadly blockades of food, water and fuel, use of illegal chemical weapons, targeted murders of journalists and aid workers, decimation of homes, hospitals, schools, houses of worship, infrastructure and entire family lines, annihilation of culture, kidnapping and hostage-taking, and all war crimes when committed by any party.

For those of us who are Jewish, we embrace our Jewish identity and its history of facing down injustice and we also condemn the actions of the state created in our name that was birthed in massacre and mass expulsion, that has maintained a stifling, racist and dehumanizing occupation for 75 years, and that is currently conducting mass murder of civilians daily with impunity.


Sexual assault is devastating. Whether perpetrated by state or non-state actors; by strangers, acquaintances, friends or family members; by teachers, coaches, supervisors, co-workers or religious figures of any faith; by police, prison guards, soldiers or guerrilla fighters – we are very familiar with its enduring legacies of trauma and upheaval. And we condemn it equally in every instance.

We believe survivors and we believe reporting that results from investigations conducted by trained feminist and human rights experts who have no agenda other than to clearly and accurately document and convey the gravity of gender-based violence. Sexual assault is pervasive – even commonplace. It is rarely met with the outrage that its incidence, impact and enormity merit. And, history is also replete with examples of rape charges being wielded by stakeholders in armed conflict to render the “enemy” more monstrous – and thus as deserving of ever-more depraved forms of militarized violence. This tactic is as old as war itself. And this means that there are many reasons to distrust either the selective outrage – or protestations of innocence – of either governments or militias, or their respective propaganda organs, when it comes to sexual assault. There is an urgent need for increased public consciousness about how such outrage is mobilized during periods of conflict, and/or to legitimize racist agendas. And there is equivalent need for public awareness during moments when outrage is conspicuously absent – such as when members of those very governments or militias are accused of sexual abuses within their own ranks.

Israel’s current campaign to discredit feminists – especially feminists of color, Arab feminists and Jewish anti-zionist feminists – and others critical of its lethal offensive against Palestinians is insulting and dishonest, but it is nothing new. We see it for what it is: a cynical attempt to incite public fury and deflect attention from the genocide it is perpetrating. And far too many public figures and elected officials have allowed themselves to become participants in this onslaught of accusations against us.

So, let us once again make ourselves clear: We condemn rape. We condemn genocide. And we also condemn the opportunistic manipulation of the issue of sexual assault by those committing war crimes themselves – or by anyone else.

We support the investigation initiated by the highly-qualified members of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry into the entire range of war crimes committed during both the October 7 Hamas attack and the Israeli state’s subsequent assault on Gaza – an effort in which Israel thus far has refused to participate. We also support additional inquiries into these sexual assault allegations conducted by impartial feminist and human rights authorities with proven expertise in, and sensitivity about, sexual violence, as well as provision of a comprehensive range of services for all survivors by those explicitly trained in addressing sexual trauma. Additionally, we urge investigation into reported atrocities by both Israeli military personnel and non-state actors – including vigilante settler groups – throughout Israel and the Occupied Territories.

Finally, we continue to raise our voices as part of the world-wide call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages and political prisoners, termination of U.S. military aid to Israel and an end to Israeli apartheid.

Below is a list of initial signers of this statement.

Please click here if you would like to add your name; the list will be updated periodically.

We encourage you to share this effort and invite others to sign on.

Amanda Lugg (US)

Ana Zentella, Professor Emerita, University of California San Diego (US)

Angela Y. Davis (US)

Anissa Helie, Feminist Historian (Algeria / US)

Ann Russo, DePaul University (US)*

Arlene Avakian, Professor Emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst (US)

Aurora Levins Morales, Writer (Puerto Rico)

Prof. Ayşe Gül Altınay, Sabancı University (Turkey)*

Dr. Barbara Ransby, Historian/Writer (US)

Barbara Schulman, Independent Advocate (US)

Barbara Smith, Black Feminist Author and Activist (US)

Dr. Barbara Klugman, Strategy and Evaluation Freelancer (South Africa)

Beverly Sheftall (US)

Blanche Wiesen Cook, University Distinguished Professor Emerita, John Jay College (US)

Carrie Shelver, Sexual Rights Initiative (South Africa)*

Catherine Hodes, LCSW/LICSW, Gender-Violence Advocate (US)

Prof. Chandra Talpade Mohanty, Distinguished Professor, Syracuse University (US)*

Charlotte Bunch, Founder, Center for Women’s Global Leadership (US)

Chitra Ganesh (US)

Cindy Engler (US)

Cindy Weisner, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance (US)*

Cynthia Rothschild, Independent Advocate (US)

Prof. David Kazanjian, English and Comparative Literature, University of Pennsylvania (US)*

Prof. Dianne Otto, Melbourne Law School (Australia)

Dubravka Zarkov, Associate Professor (retired), International Institute of Social Studies Netherlands (Serbia)

Ellen Gurzinsky (US)

Prof. Elizabeth Bernstein, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Barnard College, Columbia University (US)*

Prof. Elora Chowdhury, Women's, Gender, & Sexuality Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston (US)*

Esther Farmer, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC (US)*

Gillian Kane (US)

Prof. Gina Dent (US)

Prof. Gloria Careaga, Faculty of Psychology, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico)*

Hema Sarang-Sieminski (US)

Prof. Hülya Adak (Turkey)

Ilana Landsberg-Lewis (Canada)

Indai Sajor, Independent Advocate (Philippines)

Jacqueline Woodson (US)

Prof. Jessie Daniels, PhD (US)

Joan Nestle (US / Australia)

Joanne Sandler (US)

Jodi Jacobson, Human Rights Advocate (US)

Joyce Yu (US)

Karen Zelermyer (US)

Kate Kroeger, Urgent Action Fund for Feminist Activism (US)*

Katherine Acey, Chair, Political Research Associates (US)*

Kathy Engel (US)

Kavita Nandini Ramdas, Principal, KNR Sisters; Activist in Residence and former President and CEO, Global Fund for Women (US / India)*

Kay Whitlock, Co-Author, Queer (In)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the US (US)

Prof. Ketu Katrak, University of California Irvine (US)*

Prof. Kiran Asher (US)

Laurie Woods, Independent Advocate for Women (US)

Lepa Mladjenovic, Feminist List Against Rape in War in the Region of Ex-Yugoslavia (Serbia)

Leslie Cagan (US)

Prof. Lila Abu-Lughod, Columbia University (US)*

Lisa Cartwright (US)

Prof. Lisa Duggan, New York University (US)*

Student Rabbi Louisa Solomon (US)

Lydia Alpízar Durán, Independent Advocate (Mexico / Costa Rica)

Margaret Cerullo, Professor Emerita, Hampshire College (US)

Margaret Randall (US)

Marion Stevens, Founding Director of the Sexual and Reproductive Justice Coalition and Stellenbosch University (South Africa)

Marjorie Fine (US)

Marla Erlien (US)

Rabbi May Ye, Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinical Council (US)*

Prof. Miriam Ticktin (US)

Nathalie Arnold Koenings, Hampshire College (Belgium)

Prof. Nina Berman, Columbia Journalism School (US)*

Dr. Penny Rosenwasser, Kehilla Community Synagogue; Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Prof. Rebecca Jordan-Young, Department of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Barnard College (US)*

Rela Mazali, Writer, Independent Scholar, Activist (Israel)

Risa Shaw, PhD (US)

Prof. Rosalind Petchesky, Distinguished Professor Emerita, Hunter College & the Graduate Center-City University of New York; Member Leader, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC (US)*

Roxanna Carrillo (Perú / US)

Sally Noland MacNichol, Anti-Violence Activist (US)

Samantha Kostmayer, Independent Advocate (US)

Sandy Martin, Feminist, Socialist, Activist (US)

Sara Lennox, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Amherst (US)

Sarah Schulman (US)

Sarah Sills, Member Leader, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC (US)*

Prof. Shahla Talebi, Arizona State University (US)*

Prof. Sima Shakhsari, University of Minnesota (US)*

Stephanie Roth, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Subha Wijesiriwardena, Feminist Activist, Researcher, Communicator (Sri Lanka / US)

Susan Lob, Founder, Voices of Women Organizing Project (US)*

Susana Fried (US)

Prof. Svati Shah (US)

Prof. Tami Kashia Gold (US)

Terry Greenblatt (US)

Yasmin Nair, Writer and activist (US)

Zillah Eisenstein, Professor Emerita, Writer, Activist (US)

*Affiliation included for identification purposes only

Below are more than 1800 additional signers, representing 68 countries, as of August 11, 2024.

We encourage you to share this effort and invite others to sign on.

We will continue to update this list periodically. Names appear in the order in which they were received.

Please click here if you would like to add your name.

Your paragraph text

Deb Matheson, Raging Granny (Canada)

Liz LeClair, Sexual Assault Survivor (Canada)

Hope Chigudu (Zimbabwe)

Prof. Sé Sullivan, University of Alabama (US)*

Prof. Amina Mama (Nigeria / UK / US)

Krishanti Dharmaraj, Feminist Alliance for Rights (US)*

Stephanie Urdang, Writer (US)

Judy Yu (US)

Adam Richter (US)

Dr. Kim Fountain, Independent Advocate (US)

Mariam I. Habib, LCSW,Social Worker and Educator (US)

Pauline Park, Chair, New York Association for Gender Rights Advocacy (NYAGRA) (US)*

Dr. Claerwen O'Hara, La Trobe Law School (Australia)*

Laurie Prendergast, Advocate and Organizer (US)

Dr. Karen Crawley, Griffith Law School (Australia)*

Prof. Kelly Gillespie, University of the Western Cape (South Africa)*

Ms Fatima Shabodien, Feminist Activist (South Africa)

Roshila Nair, Social Justice Activist, Global South Against Xenophobia (GSAX) (South Africa)*

Masoodah Chikte (South Africa)

Judy Favish (South Africa)

Tanya Serisier, Birkbeck, University of London (UK)*

Saajidah Cassiem, Muslim Youth Movement (South Africa)*

Dr. Madeleine Kennedy-Macfoy, Executive Director, Gender at Work (Norway)*

Simi Kamal, Women’s Rights Activist (Pakistan)

Zartasha Niazi, Human Rights Activist (Pakistan)

Kalyani Menon Sen, Independent Researcher (India)

Ms Ruth van der Vindt (South Africa)

Michal Friedman (South Africa)

Ayesha Khan, Independent Advocate (Pakistan)

Saajidah Cassiem, Chairperson of Western Cape Muslin Youth Movement (South Africa)*

Lajla Elin Blom, Independent Advocate (Norway)

Kamal Faridi (Pakistan)

Khawar Mumtaz, Activist (Pakistan)

Dr. Ednie Garrison, Professor of Women's, Gender and Queer Studies (U.S.)

Bilquis Tahira (Pakistan)

Merle Favis, South African Jews for Free Palestine (South Africa)*

Torild Melhus, Psychologist (Retired) (Norway)

Jasveen Jairath, Human Rights Advocate (India)

Aayushi Aggarwal, Independent Advocate (India)

Rina King, Independent Advocate (South Africa)

Erum Khan (Pakistan)

Dr. Julia Dehm, Senior Lecturer, La Trobe University (Australia)*

Jessica Sherman, South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP) (South Africa)*

Cristina Delgado (Argentina)

Megan Choritz (South Africa)

Zandi Sherman, South African Jews for a Free Palestine (South Africa)*

David Kelleher (Canada)

Ghada Jiha, Feminist Advocate (US)

Clara Sheffer (US)

Holly Richardson, Community Organizer (US)

Roslyn Fish, South African Jews for a Free Palestine (South Africa)*

Emma Daitz, Researcher, Department of Family, Community, and Emergency Medicine, UCT (South Africa)*

Anthony Fish Hodgson, South African Jews for a Free Palestine (South Africa)*

Stephanie Gilman (US)

Dr. Carol Miller, Independent Researcher and Evaluator (Canada)

Kezia Lewins, Wits Sociology (South Africa)

Erum Khan (Pakistan)

Dr. Marie-Katherine (Kate) Waller, Gender at Work (Canada)

Jamila Abu Maria, Independent Advocate, Writer, Communications Consultant (US)

Bertha Pearl (US)

Naheed Samadi Bahram, Independent Advocate (US)

Emer Martin, SHIPS (Ireland)

Prof. Laura Tanenbaum, City University of New York; JVP-NYC (US)*

Rupande Mehta (US)

Prof. Nichole Shippen, LAGCC, City University of New York (US)*

Rieky Stuart (Canada)

Luma Kennedy, Lecturer/ Research Associate (US)

Morgan Garcia, MPH (US)

Lauren Whitmer, PhD, Gender-Based Violence Researcher & Advocate (US)

Prof. Michelle Fine, The Graduate Center, City University of New York (US)

Jo Sorochinsky, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Terésa Stern, LCSW, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Sasha Ross Becker (US)

Dr. Judith Marshall, Independent Researcher (Canada)

Brian Weiss (US)

Gina Heathcote, Newcastle University (UK)

Susie Day, Writer (US)

Johanna Brenner (US)

Janet Goodman-Clarke, Jewish Woman, Jewish Voice for Peace Activist (US)*

Adam J. Martin (US)

Susan Oberman (US)

Jo Macellaro (US)

Arielle Shorr, Jewish Voice for Peace; If Not Now; Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (US)*

Callie Thuma (US)

Anya Bernstein (US)

Jules Rose, Anti-Zionist Jewish Activist (US)

Tonda Marton, Independent Advocate (USA`)

Jerise Fogel (US)

Marc Kagan, City University of New York School of Labor and Urban Studies (US)*

Susan Lee (US)

Cora Cadman (US)

Richard Ronner, Development Community (US)*

Mariam Rauf, Baloch Feminist and Advocate (US)

Dr. Karlyn Koh (U.S.A.)

Doctor Janice Haaken, Portland State University (US)*

Hana Hobscheid (US)

Linzi Manicom (Canada)

Renée Steinhagen, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Nathan Pollack (US)

Lisa Sanetra, Independent Advocate (US)

Gail Lerner, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC (US)*

Christopher Stone, Professor of Arabic (US)

Alexandra Woods, PhD, Psychologist (US)

Laura Flanders, Journalist & Author (US)

Priya Dhanani, PhD Candidate, ARC Centre of Excellence for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Monash University ​(Australia)*

Rupal Oza (US)

Kohenet Elana-June Margolis (US)

Susan Epstein (US)

Daniela Gennrich, We Will Speak Out South Africa (South Africa)*

Maria Karsou, Independent Advocate (US)

Sarah Sophie Flicker, Organizer and Artist (US)

Julia Barnett (Canada)

Renée Steinhagen, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace-Northern New Jersey (US)*

Wendy McPeake (Canada)

Manon Beury, Human Rights Lawyer (Switzerland)

Patricia Clough, Psychoanalyst (US)

Heather Benjamin (US)

Dr. Gordon Doctorow, EdD (Canada)

Alexandra Wells (US)

Prof. Bina Fernandez, University of Melbourne (Australia)*

Zoe Kupetz, History Teacher (US)

Marina Lent (US)

Morgan De Lancy (US)

David Durning, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Ezra Friedman (US)

Margie Bertrand (Canada)

Miranda Morgan, PhD, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Dr. Jordana Silverstein (Australia)

Richie Merino, Bronx Anti War Coalition (US)*

Katie Olmstead, Jew (US)

M.J. Williams (US)

Carolyn D'Cruz (Australia)

Karen Judd, Independent Advocate (US)

Ann Clendenin, LCSW (US)

Dr. Suzette Mitchell, Independent Advocate (Australia)

Jenny Stimac, Independent Jewish Voices Canada (Canada)*

Trudy Silver, Jewish Feminist (US)

Sari Graham (US)

Hannah Barnes (US)

John Of (U.S.)

Dianne Feeley, Co-Editor, Against the Current (US)

Pedro Cruz, JVP and JVP North Jersey (US)

Prof. Barry Eidlin, Sociology Dept., McGill University (Canada)*

Fatima Hasan, Independent Advocate (US)

Eli Oberman (US)

Tegan Evans, PhD Candidate, University of Melbourne (Australia)*

Linda Alband (US)

Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore (US)

Tamara Lorincz, Activist and academic, WILPF-Canada & VOW (Canada)*

Joshua Kimelman (US)

Eileen Weitzman (US)

Laurie Arbeiter, We Will Not Be Silent (US)

Sumedha Choudhury, Melbourne Law School (Australia)*

Ingrid Semaan (U.S.)

Rola Saeed (Jordan)

Rashida Manjoo, Professor Emeritus (South Africa)

Sina Najafi, Cabinet Magazine (US)*

Elise Tak, Independent Advocate (US)

Hadeel Bibi, Independent Social Consultant (Jordan)

Sherry Wolf, Tempest Collective (US)

Prof. Loretta Feris, Professor of Law, University of Pretoria (South Africa)*

Prof. Wendy Brown, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Prof. Rebecca Karl, New York University (US)*

Soraya Shalforoosh (US)

Tamara Braam (South Africa)

Dr. Shireen Hassim (South Africa)

Ms Bernedette Muthien, Engender (South Africa)

Marina Green (South Africa)

Prabha Khosla, ReFocus Consulting (Canada)*

Kacey Byczek, Independent Advocate (US)

Deborah Mutnick (US)

Dr. Sabrina Qureshi, Million Women Rise (UK)*

Lourdes Beneria, Professor Emerita (Spain)

Fadia Kamal (Jordan)

Prof. Ellen Ross, Profesor Emerita, Ramapo College (US)*

Jan Slakov (Canada)

Dominique Russell (Canada)

Shauna Paull, poet (Canada)

Kevin Tremblay (Canada)

Carina Ray, University of Michigan (US)*

Yifat Susskind, Executive Director, MADRE (US)

Any Laurau Tremosa (SpaIn)

Janet Hooper, Elder (US)

Reanne Anad, Female Liberation Network (United Kingdom)*

Chloe Weiser, Jew & Feminist Advocate (US)

Laila Ali (Canada)

Sarah Gunther (US)

Alexis Danzig (US)

Claudia Castañeda, Independent Advocate (US)

Emily Maxwell (Canada)

Amanda Mercedes Gigler, Feminist Free Radical (Serbia / The Netherlands)

Prof. Nancy Holmstrom, Professor Emerita, Rutgers University, Newark (US)*

Silvana Castaneda (US)

Anna Berg (US)

Jeanne Bergman, PhD, Jewish Elders of Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Sheila Jordan, Superintendent of Schools Emerita (US)

Marcia Gallo, Professor Emerita, University of Nevada-Las Vegas (US)*

Karen Hoover, MD, Independent Advocate for the Palestinian People (US)

Rasha Arabi, Independent Advocate (US)

Bonnie Anderson, Professor Emerita of History, City University of New York (US)

Koyoltzintli Miranda (US)

Jean Gagne, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)

Prof. Lori Gruen, Philosophy and FGSS, Wesleyan University (US)*

Terry Boggis (US)

Nydia Leaf (US)

Owen Berson (US)

Lorissa Sengara (Canada)

Evneeki Roufail, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Julia Greenberg, Independent Health and Rights Consultant (US)

Prof. Ann Cammett (US)

Matt Dragon, Independent Advocate (US)

Mx. Emery Flatt (US)

Rachel Cohen (US)

Katie Halper, The Katie Halper Show (U.S.)

Phoebe Hunter (US)

Dr. Angela Miller (US)

Alison Jaggar, Emerita Professor of Distinction, Philosophy and Gender Studies (US)

Marisa Judeh (Jordan)

Evan Thomas (US)

C.M. Shelagh Day (Canada)

Tanya Layne (South Africa)

Mr. Sulaiman Foday Mansaray, Gender Advocate (Sierra Leone)

Betty Marton, Independent Advocate (US)

Edeltraud Lipkow, Retired Person (Germany)

Mallory Seegal (US)

Judith Deutsch, Psychoanalyst (Canada)

Giselle Carino, CEO- Fòs Feminista (USA / Argentina)*

Megan Moore (US)

Margaret Washington (US)

Dr. Reyes Coll-Tellechea, Spanish-American Scholar, University of Massachusetts Boston (US)

Jim Snodgrass, Independent Advocate (US)

Ann Antonellis (US)

Karla Schultz, Registered Nurse (US)

Noha Sadany (US)

Eric Camins (US)

Prof. Gertrude Fester, Black feminist Writer and Activist (South Africa)

Dr. Amy Pett (US)

Tamara Castro (US)

Cinzia Arruzza, New School for Social Research (US)

Susan Gutwill, MS, LCSW, Feminist Psychotherapist, Trauma Therapist (US)

Lori Adelman (US)

Professor Alison Phipps, Newcastle University (UK)

Ariane Brunet, Co-founder, Centre for Secular Space; Activist on Violence Against Women in War (Canada)*

Lisa Kubie, Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner (US)

Janet Forrester, Independent Advocate (US)

David Pratt (U.S.)

Yusuf Ahmad, NYC for Abortion Rights (US)

Dr. Vanja Hamzić, SOAS University of London (UK)

Janet Wong (Malaysia)

Michelle Maffia (US)

Francine Miller, Esq., Vermont Law & Graduate School (US)*

Kathryn Levy (U.S.)

Prof. Nancy Fraser, New School for Social Research (US)*

Janice Gutman, Lesbian Feminist Activist (US)

Ann Ferguson, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Amherst (US)

Prof. Leslie Salzinger, Chair, Gender and Women’s Studies, UC Berkeley (US)*

Prof. Molly Talcott, California State University, Los Angeles (US)

Dr. Patsy George, Human Rights and Peace Advocate (Canada)

Patricia Swick (Canada)

Dr. Denise Miller (UK)

Dr. Jamie Hagen, Queen's University Belfast (UK)

May Fu, California State University, Los Angeles (US)

Nela Porobić, Feminist Anti-Militarist Collective (Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Dr. Anna Selmeczi, South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP) (South Africa)

Masuma Ali Khan, PhD Student (Italy)

Gorana Mlinarevic (Bosnia & Herzegovina)

Prof. Beth Baker, California State University, Los Angeles (US)

Prof. Maria Cisterna Gold, University of Massachusetts, Boston (US)*

Barbara Ruth, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Orit Schreiber (UK)

Maria Suarez Toro, Writer, Honorary Pen International Award; Autonomous Feminist Activist (Costa Rica)

Tracey Levi (United Kingdom)

Susan Barney, Independent Advocate (US)

Dennise Christensen, Church Going Christian (UK)

Dr. Ebru Lumley (United Kingdom)

Arielle Sabot, MA Jewish Gender Studies (US)

Prof. Sara Farris, Sociology (UK)

Asia Garramone, Studentessa e Attivista (Italy)

Dra. Stefany Rojas Montero, Enf (Costa Rica)

Haman The'rasha, Co founder FIFTJ; Independent Iranian (Iran)

Terr. Yasser Avafit, Humanitarian; IED specialist (Egypt)

Catherine Rottenberg (UK)

Malika Ndlovu (South Africa)

Naomi Allen, New Paltz Women in Black (U.S.)

Jo Salas (US)

Tanya Marquette, Independent Advocate (US)

Corey Balsam, National Coordinator, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Luciana Percovich, Author;Independent Advocate (Italy)

Kathryn Russell, Professor Emerita of Philosophy, State University of New York; US Social Justice Activist, Scholar, Teacher ​(US)*

Rac Silver, Songwriter;Independent Advocate (Scotland)

Thamar Álvarez Vega, Psychologist and Writer (Spain)

Maud Easter, Independent Advocate (US)

Sally Haslanger, Ford Professor of Philosophy and WGS, Massachussetts Institute of Technology (US)*

Allie Ross (US)

Linda Novenski, Veterans for Peace-NYC (US)*

Dr. Alejandra Marchevsky (US)

Alexandra Holmstrom-Smith, MA, JD; Socialist Feminist Working Group, Democratic Socialists of America-NYC (US)*

Ellen Mosen James, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Marit Parker (Cymru / Wales)

Mickie Lynn, Women Against War (US)*

Dina Refki (US)

Dr. Dana Kornberg (US)

RN Wendy Dwyer, Member U.H. Peace Action (US)*

Anne Liske (U.S.)

Dr. Yassin Brunger, Queen's University Belfast (UK)*

Nalini Burn, Independent Advocate; Researcher (Mauritius)

Elizabeth Cox (Australia)

Linda Abbott (US)

Francoise Girard, (US)*

Ms Carmen Ghdaye (Canada)

Gwen Maffia (US)

Prof. Sheila Bunwaree, Independent Advocate (Mauritius)

Eugene Hamoy, Independent Advocate (US)

Michele Sibony, Member, French Jewish Union for Peace UJFP (France)*

Prof. Dana Collins, California State University, Fullerton (US)*

Reeni Goldin (US)

Haris Jamil (Australia)

Rupal Oza (US)

Lisa Bloom (US)

Wendy Thompson, Retired President, UAW Local 235 (US)*

Elizabeth Regan (UK)

Margaret & Kurt Liske, Independent Advocate (USA)

Mary Buchwald (U.S.)

Hazel Landa (US)

Ramdenee Neena, Docteur en Pharmacie (Mauritius)

Arla Ertz, Retired Social Worker (US)

Elizabeth Finnegan, Independent Advocate (UK)

Seth DiMartile, Member of Anakbayan (Canada)*

Adi Teelock, Independent Advocate (Mauritius)

Feny Fischler, Another Jewish Voice (Belgium)*

Filip Fanchette (Mauritius)

Sym Van Wesemael (Belgium)

Branca Maria Moreira Alves, Retired UNIFEM; Independent Advocate (Brazil)

Mireille Moutte (France)

Janet Wong (Malaysia)

Sarah Tanghe (Belgium)

Judy Stewart (UK)

Alex Marlowe (Canada)

Carole Ferraro (US)

Jeannine Guthrie (US)

Prof. Kiran Grewal, Human Rights, Goldsmiths College (UK)

Katherine Doyle (US)

Mr. Ramphul Vyas, Valuation Surveyor (Mauritius)

Monika Schweizer (Canada)

Ann Berlak, San Francisco State, Retired (US)*

Michele Hunt (US)

Aishah Shahidah Simmons, Survivor-Healer; Writer; Documentary Filmmaker (US)

Dina Portnoy (US)

Alan Wald, Collegiate Professor Emeritus, University of Michigan (US)

Lynn Robinson, Philly Voters For Ceasefire (US)*

Elyse Crystall (US)

Art Young, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Sherryl Kleinman (US)

Prof. Sarah Combellick-Bidney, Augsburg University (US)*

Kerri Foxhill (US)

Mona Khalidi (US)

Sue Finch, Women in Black London (UK)*

Stine Sampers, Artist and Curator (Belgium)

Caroline Poland (UK)

Shereen Mills (South Africa)

Flore Pellan, Médiatrice Familiale (France)*

Lisa Fithian, Independent Organizer (US)

Martha Kostmayer, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr Katherine Combellick (US)

James C Faris, Professor Emeritus, Univ. of Connecticut (US)

Anna Reumert, PhD, Anthropology, The New School (US)*

Jaime M. Grant, Ph. D., Activist; Public Intellectual (US)

Peter Lehu, Director, Warminster Township Free Library-Bucks County, PA (US)*

Carolyn Weaver (US)

Linda Damico, PhD (US)

Dr. Rachel Martin, If Not Now Philadelphia, Jewish Boomers Against Occupation in Palestine (US)*

Helaine Meisler, Jewish Activist (US)

Joanne Naiman, Professor Emerita, Sociology (Canada)

Prof. Carolyn Eisenberg, Brooklyn for Peace (US)*

Maha Elhawi, Independent Advocate (US)

Wolfe Erlichman, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Susan Turansky (Canada)

Eva Sharell, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Phd Judy Haiven, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Daina Green, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Anberiya Hanifa, Director, Muslim Women's Research and Action Forum (Sri Lanka)*

Helene Kendler (US)

Anne Henderson, Filmmaker (Canada)

Sid Shniad, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Laura Sky (Canada)

Nelun Gunasekera, Independent Consultant on Gender and Social Inclusion (Sri Lanka)

Prof. Randa Farah (Canada)

Jane Hirschmann, Co-Chair, The Freedom to Boycott NYS Coalition (US)*

Pattrice Jones, VINE Sanctuary (US)*

Alexis Kellum-Creer, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Murray Hogben (Canada)

Rabbi David Mivasair (Canada)

Hafsah Muheed, Independent Advocate (Sri Lanka)

Piet Onstein (Canada)

Hladini Wilson, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Ross Sutherland, Retired Registered Nurse (Canada)

Terry Phelan (US)

Lynk Weird, Fairfield DSA (US)*

Maj Larsen-Lechuga, Climate Justice Activist (Denmark)

Marge Berer, Founder Editor, Reproductive Health Matters (UK)

Lesley Levy, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

John Bogardus (Canada)

Laura Whitehorn (US)

Dorothy Henaut (Canada)

Susan Rosenberg (US)

Eve Rosahn (US)

Pamela Cross, Violence Against Women Lawyer (Canada)

Dr. Denise Bowes (Canada)

Prof. Deborah Gould, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Nancy Romalov (US)

Dr. Barbara Zeller, Independent Avocate (US)

Dr. Gordon Doctorow, Nova Southeastern University (Canada)*

Elizabeth Horowitz (US)

Malcolm Buchanan, President, Congress of Retirees (Canada)*

Prof. Laurie Palmer, University of California Santa Cruz (US)*

Sally Bowden-Schaible, Mental Health Counselor (US)

Marie Halladay, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Helga Mankovitz, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Line Begby, Feminist and Sustainability Professional (Norway)

Dr. Angela Miller (US)

Prof. Jill Glessing, Toronto Metropolitan University, Toronto (Canada)*

Adwoa Toku (Canada)

Jamie Hill, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Zoë Lepiano, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Gwendolyn Zoharah Simmons, Ph.D., Professor Emerita, University of Florida; Peace Advocate (US)

Heather Dancey (Canada)

Megan Wardrop, Feminist Peace Activist (Canada)

Prof. Richard Marcuse, Social anthropologist; Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Sasha Lofquist, Human Rights Advocate, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Richard Strachan (Canada)

Mary Patten, Professor and Artist (US)

Sonali Gulati, Independent Filmmaker (US)

Elizabeth Scott, LCSW, Independent Activist (US)

Andrea Vega Troncoso (Dominican Republic / US)

Smadar Carmon, Anti-Zionist Ex-Israeli (Canada)

Umair Ibrahim (Canada)

Miriam Meir, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Dr. Sarah Malleson (Canada)

Kati Tihane (Canada)

Emily Hall, Healthcare Professional (Canada)

Anne Richter, Member, Pax Christi (US)

Larry French, Retired Teachers Union Professional (Canada)

Zaira Menin (Italia)

Rev. Dr. Myke Johnson (US)

Martina Di Stefano (Italy)

Beth Cagan (US)

Steve Cagan, Independent Advocate (US)

Susan Ram, Writer and Journalist (France)

Cheryl Clarke, Black Feminist Poet (US)

Cheryl Gaster, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Marilyn Birmingham, Feminist, Activist,Mother (Canada)

Michael Rosen (Canada)

Marie Lloyd, Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Rafi Silver, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Luz Márquez Benbow, Afroboricua Survivor & Anti-Rape Activist; Founder, IamNegrx: AfroLatin/AfroCaribbean Survivor ​Network (US)*

Matthew Gventer, Retired Corrections Worker; Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Prof. Susan Petrilli, Università di Bari "Aldo Moro" (Italy)*

Jake Javanshir (Canada)

Jae Shepherd, Abolishing Patriarchal Violence Table with the Movement for Black Lives (US)*

Tara Daniels (US)

Jane Gibson (Canada)

Clifford Orchard, Retired Professional Engineer (Canada)

Sylvia Skrepichuk, Catholics for Justice and Peace in the Holy Land (Canada)*

Denise Colterman-Fox (Canada)

Matthew Webster, Retired Humanities Teacher (Canada)

Cheryl Seelhoff, Human Rights Activist (US)

Jeah Leahy (Canada)

Penny Coleman, Rosendale Democratic Committee (US)*

Shanaz Fancy (Canada)

Kevin Moloney, York University (Canada)*

Dimitris Vogiannidis (Greece)

Craig Clark (US)

Martha Fusca (Canada)

Dee Roye, Independent (UK)

Santamano Bhikkhu, Buddhist Monk (UK)

Laura Scrimshaw, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Prof. Shaker Farah (Brazil)

Dr. Carol Schwartz (Canada)

Edward Stepanian (US)

Dr. Eric Windgassen, Retired Psychiatrist (UK)

Danielle Attal (Canada)

Theresa Keenan (Scotland)

JL Angell (US)

Yvonne Stanford, Social Workers for Social Justice (Canada)*

Lucie Mayer, Woman, Ecofeminist (Canada)

André Trilling (Germany)

Arlyle Waring (Canada)

Jacki Willard (US)

Raymonde Bonin (Canada)

Stephanie Try (US)

Tamika Spellman, Executive Director (US)

Sasha Miller (US)

Norman McLeod, Independent (Canada)

Wesley Choy (Canada)

Ms. Ann Murphy, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Virginia Monk (Canada)

Frances Arbour, independent Advocate (Canada)

David Berofe (Canada)

Dorothy Field (Canada)

Michelle Rothstein (Canada)

Guy Darrer (UK)

Dianne Varga, Information Analyst (Canada)

Damala Denny (US)

Tom Sandborn, Writer, Activist (Canada)

Lorne Walters (Belgium)

Sophy Gairdner (UK)

Murray Lumley, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Barb Colterman (CANADA)

Ayanna D. Spencer, Ph.D., Sexual Violence Scholar (US)

Andrew Paul Gutierrez, Prof. Emeritus, University of California at Berkeley (US)

Eli Jany, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Rebecca Cunningham (Canada)

Mark Billing (UK)

Peggy Antrobus, Independent Advocate (Barbados)

Chris Gill (UK)

Ashmita Roy, independent Advocate (Canada)

Tess Weiner, LMSW (US)

Vanessa Flannery (Canada)

Lorissa Sengara (Canada)

Joan Bishop (Canada)

Glenda Goodgoll (Canada)

Paul Corell, Brooklyn for Peace & Bronx Greens Palestine-Israel Committee (US)*

Louise Slattery (Canada)

Ineia Moreira, Independent (US)

Nir Hagigi, President, Independent Jewish Voices, Carleton University (Canada)*

Elisabeth Ries (Italy)

Laila Breger (Canada)

Lisa Baird, Healthcare Worker, Poet (Canada)

Corinne Benson (Canada)

Joanna Zilsel (Canada)

Dr. Ruth San Martin, Gender and Race Activist/Scholar (Canada)

Alison Feuerwerker (Canada)

Pamela Thomson, Retired Judge (Canada)

Grace Glaser (US)

Annette Dowling (US)

LoriAnne Husch (US)

Anne Streeter (Canada)

Kai Tawil-Morsink (US)

Cathy Cronin (Canada)

Denise Colterman-Fox (Canada)

Iyad Kouteich (Canada)

Nia Oden (US)

Yvonne Boon, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Jessica Carson, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Mir Bahmanyar (Canada)

Joanna Namnoum (Canada)

Caitlin Penny (Canada)

Nichola Feldman-Kiss, Independent Artist (Canada)

Tobin MacIntosh, Human Being (Canada)

Val Retyunin (Canada)

Karin Saari, Independent Advocate (Canada)

John Obeda (US)

Tanner Vogelgesang (Canada)

Cynthia Edwards, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Murray Edwards (Canada)

Cathy Gulkin, Documentary Filmmaker (Canada)

Rhoda Regenstreif, Independent Advocate; Member, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Steve Downs (US)

Wendy Shatner, Social Justice Advocate, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Gerard Nachtegaele (Canada)

Subuhi Ansari (Canada)

Dr. Amir Khaliq (Canada)

Sharon Goldberg, Former Coordinator, Surrey Women's Centre (Canada)*

Dr. David Lane (Australia)

Issraa Hafez, Digital Marketing Professional (Canada)

Artist Sarah Hall (Canada)

Olga Khodyreva (Canada)

Ms. Sherrill Futrell, Independent Advocate (US)

Deni Sevenoaks, Radical Feminist Against All Forms of Sexual Violence; Independent Advocate (Australia)

Belinda Dunford (Canada)

Susan Bertoni, Middle School Educator; Advocate for New Immigrants(US)

Amalia Anaya (Canada)

Shoshana Handel (US)

Moth Anselmo (Canada)

Jelica Roland (Croatia)

Aviva Martin (Canada)

Kathryn Petersen (Canada)

Pauline Caux (Canada)

Dalal Atta (Canada)

George Bartlett (Canada)

Lisa Roth, John Brown Anti-Klan Committee (U.S.)*

Susan Heath, independent Advocate (US)

Allan Buck, independent Advocate (Canada)

Ms. Elaine Becker (US)

Elias Madbak (Canada)

Wesley Parish (New Zealand)

Dr. Susan Diane (Canada)

Teghan Yanover (Canada)

Murtaza Gulamhussein (Canada)

Rashida Makda (South Africa)

Ketty de Pasquale, Femminista (Italy)

Scott Van Denham (Canada)

Ronny Yaron, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Isabel Ros Lopez, Artist (UK)

Dr. Mirjam Mie (Italy)

Haji Inaya Daya (Canada)

Ashley Ouellette (US)

Dr. Mariam Irene Tazi-Preve (US)

Rose-Marie Valade, Woman, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Chris Roberton (Canada)

Susan Rosenthal (Canada)

Maura Richards (UK)

Eduard Strack (Canada)

Rebecca Subar (US)

Judy Rebick, Writer; Long-Term Feminist Activist (Canada)

Maya Guttman-Slater (US)

Beatriz Galli, Independent Advocate (Brazil)

Kelvin Lam (Canada)

Arlene Moscovitch (Canada)

Yves Parizeau, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Elizabeth Block, Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)*

Cecilia Hanzel (Canada)

Kate Chung, Grandmother (Canada)

Lori Barkley (Canada)

Lynn Knight, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Khatereh Sheibani, Professor of Persian Studies (Canada)

Andrea Marx-Abbott (Germany / Canada)

Martha Yager (US)

Jill Cabrillana (UK)

Prabha Khosla (Canada)

May Partridge, Ph.D., Sociology of Gender, University of Hong Kong (Retired); Independent Advocate (Canada)

Erica Scott (Canada)

Patrick Schreck (Canada)

Diana Ralph, Ph.D., Or Haneshamah Congregation (Canada)*

Linda Green, independen Advocate (Canada)

Katarzyna Armstrong, Independent Feminist and Advocate (Canada)

Ms. Hendrica Okondo, Independent Advocate (Kenya)

Sylvia Tenuta (Canada)

Sameen Ahmed (Canada)

Susan Rosenberg, Professor and Author (US)

Prof. Rebecca Anweiler, Queen’s University (Canada)*

Stance Ravening (Canada)

Cátia Freitas, Domestic/Sexual Violence Survivor (Portugal / UK)

Raghavendra Karkala, Independent Visual Artist (Canada)

Tom Webb (Canada)

Martin Scott (Canada)

Laura Squires (Turtle Island)

Rosa Bertha Diaz, Independent (Canada)

Nanti Swiss (US)

Sylvia Schlittke (Canada)

Nicole Nucinkis, Independent (Germany / Bolivia)

Deborah Zubow, Tikkun Olam Chavurah Steering Committee (US)*

Debora Chandler (US)

Pollyanna Macchiano (US)

Susan Graham, Feminist Fight Club Philadelphia (US)*

Margaret Dorfman, MD (US)

Ellen Ackerman, Jewish Feminist (USQ)

Kathleen O'Donnell (US)

Susan Cahn (US)

Naomi Winterfalcon (US)

Jyotsna Kapur, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale (US)*

Caroline Barnard (South Africa)

Colleen Fuller, Independent Health Policy Researcher (Canada)

Elena Crotti, Feminist for Peace (Italy)

Sue Leigh, Independent Advocate (Australia)

June Cohen, APWU (Retired) (US)

Mary Lupa (US)

Luke Pelot, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Mev Miller, Concerned Citizen (US)

Diane Jones, Feminist (UK)

Sally Tatnall (US)

Constance Sohodski (US)

Billee Laskin (Canada)

Jean Llido (US)

Wendy Chmielewski (US)

Jocelyne Clarke, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Grete Zemans (US)

Rick Sprout (US)

David Kalant, Independent Jewish Voices & Amnesty International (Canada)*

Amanda Schmelz, Actress (Mexico)

H.Toni Norton (US)

Emma Jackson, Feminist Advocate (UK)

Sam Friedman, Member, Ukraine Solidarity Network (US)*

Kohenet Sharon Jaffe (US)

Marie-Suzanne Trecroce (Canada)

Art Serotoff, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Marcelle Roy (Canada)

Ariana Ali-Harris, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr Majd Mayyasi (US)

Stephen Abbott (Canada)

David Yao (US)

M F Mcininch (Canada)

Rashida Makda (South Africa)

Hibaaq Osman, Founder/CEO Karma (Somalia)

Dr. Teresa Langle de Paz, CEO, Women for Africa Foundation (Spain)*

Meenu Pandey, Queer Feminist (India)

S. Zuberi, Women Living Under Muslim Law (UK)*

Michael Sasson (US)

Jennifer Harris (Canada)

Ary Kerman, RN, PHN (US)

Emily Galloway (US)

Nikita Mitchell, Independent Advocate (US)

Andrea Levy, Independent Scholar (Canada)

Lily May (Canada)

JoAnn Loulan, Executive Director, Democratic Messaging Project (US)*

Jeff White (US)

Kathleen Peratis, Jewish Currents* (US)

Eleanor Heath (Canada)

Jenell Holden (US)

V (formerly Eve Ensler), Writer (US)

Magi Abdul-Masih, PhD, Retired Professor of Religious Studies (Canada)

Carol MacLeod (Canada)

Christy Breihan, Peace Action of Wisconsin (US)*

Carla Vogel (US)

Ziyad Saadi (Canada)

Madeleien Winterfalcon, Independent Advocate (US)

Jay Schaffner, Moderator, Portside (US)*

Sheff Sheffield, Independent Advocate (US)

Sarah Shamash, Independent Advocate (Canada )

Nancy Burge (US)

Geoff Eley, Professor Emeritus,University of Michigan (US)

Lynn Anthony (US)

Huwaida Arraf, Human Rights Attorney (US)

Lorrie Beth Slonsky, SEIU Local 1021; Retired Paramedic SFFD (US)

Mary Ann Castle, PhD, Senior Consultant PlannIng Alternatives for Change (US)

Victor Grossman, Writer/journalist (Germany/US)

Steven Suzuki (US)

Claire Mortimer, FNP, MSN (US)

Nafeesa Mowla, Special Event Designer (Canada)

Trude Bennett (US)

Joy Lachica, City Councillor, Peterborough, ON (Canada)*

Ms Rebecca Turner (UK)

Kathe Karlson (US)

Shira Katz, Independent Advocate (US)

Ruth Horowitz, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Anna Duncan, Mothers for Ceasefire (US)*

Peter Belmont, Independent Advocate (US)

Martha London (US)

Elly Leary, Jewish Anti-Zionist; Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Velva Spriggs, Human and Woman; Independent Advocate (US)

Barbara Kane, PhD, Psychoanalyst (US)

Dr. Judith McDaniel (US)

Molly Nolan, Professor Emerita, NYU (US)*

Jackie MacMillan (US)

Jan Schwartz, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr. James Elton Johnson, Independent Advocate (US)

Kim Jensen, Professor, Poet, Translator (US)

Francesca Rheannon (US)

Dr. Peter Schneider, Independent Advocate (US)*

Peter Rachleff, Professor Emeritus of History, Macalester College (US)

Ann Gordon (US)

George Smith, Professor Emeritus, University of Missouri (US)*

Georgia Wever, WREE (US)

Susan Worgaftik (US)

Dr. Frank Fitzgerald, Antiwar Chicago (US)*

Tina Weishaus (US)

Marjorie Sable (US)

Cari Gardner, Jewish Octogenerian; Vice Chair NYPAN (US)*

Jody Sokolowetr, Middle East Children's Alliance (US)*

Prof. Dr. Susanne Scholz, SMU (U.S. / Germany)*

Mary Nash, Muralist (US)

Dr. Mariama Williams, Feminist Economist, Independent researcher (US/Jamaica)

Rebekah Levin, Retired Research Associate Professor, University of Illinois at Chicago (US)

Blossom Kelley (US)

Maryasha Katz, LCSW, Professor; Activist (US)

Dr. Martha Schwartz Bragin (US)

Raheel Khan (Canada)

Wesley Faulkner (Canada)

Prof. Linda Gordon, New York University (US)

Carolyn Bode (US)

Julia Chang, Assistant Professor (US)*

Barbara Winslow, Professor Emerita (US)

Jennifer Jones (Jamaica)

Dr. Joanne Schmidt, Retired Professor Emerita, CSU-Bakersfield (US)

Stacey Koff (US)

José Benítez, Estudiante Antimilitarista (Puerto Rico)

Judith Lienhard, Community Member, Registered Nurse, US Veteran (US)

Glenn Williams, Independent Advocate (US)

Kristina Kiehl (US)

Mary Rogers (US)

Dr. Laurence Shoup, Author; Activist (US)

Heather Bellanca (US)

Carol Hanisch, Women's Liberation Movement (US)*

Dr. Sadu Nanjundiah, Central Connecticut State University (US)*

Chris Brandt, Witness Against Torture (US)*

Rev. Jeffrey Nichols (US)

Emily Cabaniss (US)

Peggy Dobbins, Women In Time Change History (US)*

Paul Kivel, Jewish Voice for Peace, SURJ (US)*

Alexis DeVeaux (US)

Dina Afek, Retired Attorney (US)

Prof. Janice Cline (US)

Maya Guttman-Slater (US)

Dr. Sterling Vinson, PhD, Member of Veterans for Peace, Tucson, AZ (US)

Anita Altman, Founder, UJA-Federation Task Force on Family Violence (US)*

Azadeh Khalili, Feminist Activist, Former Head of the New York City Commission on Gender Equity (US)

Claudia Leight (US)

Allyson Mattanah (US)

Mary Luckey, Professor Emerita (US)

Ann Menasche, Co-coordinator, Feminists in Struggle (US)*

Kiyoshi Imai (US)

Barbara Mocking, Jewish Renewal (US)*

Mrs. Kathryn Schaafsma (US)

Dr. Kendra Strauss, Labour Studies Program, Simon Fraser University (Canada)*

Kathy Roberts (US)

Didier Marlène (France )

Rodger Scott, Ph.D, Past President of American Federation of Teachers, Local 2121 (US)*

Dr. Honor Ford-Smith, Independent Advocate (Canada / Jamaica)

Richard Smith, (US)*

Allan Fisher, American Federation of Teachers, Local 2121; CISPES (US)*

Alexandra Lazerow (US)

Fran Luck, Producer, Joy of Resistance Multicultural Feminist Radio @ WBAI (US)*

Richard Fidler, Retired Lawyer (Canada)

Lori Berlin, RN, PHN (US)

Catherine Sealeys, President, Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia Inc. (Saint Lucia)*

Dr. Natalie Sokoloff , Professor Emerita of Sociology, John John Jay College, City University of New York (US)*

Susan Holper (US)

Judith Van Allen, Researcher, Cornell University (US)*

Tura Franzen, Registered Nurse (US)

Robin Potter, Lawyer (US)

Jennifer Kent (US)

Barbara Greenwald Davis, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Prof. Frances Piven, City University of New York (US)

Anuradha Bhagwati, Co-Founder, Service Women's Action Network (US)*

Deborah Green, Artist and Teacher (US)

Dr. Nhan Ngo, Agent Orange Campaign (US)*

Ms. Sharon Lipsky (US)

Dr. Liz Aaronsohn (US)

Kathryn Scarbrough, PhD, Feminists in Struggle, U.S. (US)*

Jillian Aldebron (US)

Dr. D. Livingston (US)

Ronda Cooperstein, Baltimore Peace Action (US)*

Maggie Schmeitz, Stichting Ultimate Purpose (Suriname)*

Max Obuszewski, Baltimore Nonviolence Center (US)

David Zeitz (US)

Gustavo Medina (US)

Helen Schietinger, Woman (US)

Prof. Helen Langa, American University (US)*

Bob Perillo, Human Rights Advocate (US)

Omar Auf, Editor, Cairo Review of Global Affairs (Egypt)*

Davide Rompietti (Italia)

Brenda Porster, Jewish Voices (Italy)

Ellen Judd, Distiguished Professor Emerita (Canada)

Prof. Sarojini Nadar, Desmond Tutu Chair in Religion & Social Justice, Univ. of The Western Cape (South Africa)*

Lou Curran, Esq., Veterans For Peace (U.S. / France)*

Flavia Campanelli, PhD (Italy)

Gabriele Carli, Teacher (Italy)

Bill Power (US)

Patricia Halle, Independent Advocate (US)

Marion Bethel, Independent Advocate (Bahamas)

Terry Phelan (US)

Vidyaratha Kissoon, Citizen (Guyana)

Danuta Radzik, Human Rights Defender (Guyana)

Karen De Souza, Red Thread (Guyana)

Julie Magno Zito, Professor Emerita of Pharmacoepidemiology, University of Maryland (US)

Josephine Whitehead (Guyana)

Martha Copp (US)

Tatiana Villa (US)

Eva Prinz (Austria)

Joyce Klemperer (US)

Emilia Vignola ((US)

Elie Al kazzi (US)

Reem Aoun, MD, Assistant Professor, Independent Advocate (US)

Randa Downs, Rape Survivor (US) ​

Taylor Marie Doherty, Gender and Women’s Studies, University of Arizona (US)*​

Beverly Naidus, Professor Emerita of Arts for Change, University of Washington (US) ​

Alicis Kaploe (US) ​

Luisa Burgos-Thillet, Holding Our Own (US)* ​

Joanne Schulman, Feminist Family Law Attorney (US) ​

Emily Figdor (US) ​

Leykn Schmatz, Independent Advocate (US) ​

Judith Wedderburn (Jamaica ) ​

Linda Ray, Service Employees International Union 1021 (US)*​

Joan Vermeulen, Esq. (US) ​

Margaret Higgins (US) ​

Nora Goodfriend-Koven (US) ​

Karen Sauvigne, Feminist Activist (US) ​

Prof. Julie Goldscheid (US) ​

Connie Sosnoff, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace-Atlanta (US)*​

Rachel Harris (US) ​

Millie Thayer, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts Amherst (US) ​

Maria Pierri, Neuropsichiatra Infantile (Italia) ​

Piera Vismara, Casa delle Donne Milano (Italia)*​

Carla Bakboord, Anthroplogist, Chair Women’s Rights Centre; Scholar Activist (Suriname)*​

Nadia De Mond, Women's House Milan (Italy) ​

Teresa Morena (Italy) ​

Dahlia ChanTang, Community Activist (Canada) ​

Jake Drake (US) ​

Aurora Linnea (US)​

Prof. Biljana Kasic, Doctora; Feminist (Croatia)*​

Igballe Rogova, Executive Director Kosovo Womens Network (Kosovo)*​

Esma Drkenda, Professor of Defense and Security; Feminist; President of the Women's Organization SEKA Goražde (Bosna​ and Hercegovina)*​

Sonja Biserko, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia (Serbia)* ​

Eliza Broadbent, WILPF UK (UK) ​

Elva Orozco Mendoza, University of Connecticut (Mexico / US)*​

Violeta Krasnić, Social Justice Activist (US / The Balkans ) ​

Gladys Acosta Vargas (Peru) ​

Lucila Vargas, Professor Emerita, University of North Carolina (US) ​

Maris Mannarelli, Universidad San Marcos Peru (Perú) ​

Isabel Medina , Independent (Perú) ​

Katrina Anderson (US) ​

Francine Miller, Esq., Vermont Law and Graduate School (US)*​

Dr. Louise Antony, Professor Emerita, University of Massachusetts (US)​

Carol Marton (US) ​

Jamila Safi, From Afghanistan (Afghanistan) ​

Jamila Afghani, WILPF Afghanistan President (Afghanistan) ​

Dr. Fazal Ghani Kakar, NUA (Afghanistan) ​

Ardita Ramizi Bala , Advocate for Human Rights (Kosovo )*​

Karmen Ratković (Croatia) ​

Maja Uzelac (Croatia) ​

Maria Cristina Tigoli (Italia) ​

Manuela Mesa, Director CEIPAZ (Spain) ​

Sveva Haertter (Italy) ​

Frann Michel, Professor Emeritus, Willamette University (US)​

Señora Virginia Meneses, Community Leader (Colombia) ​

Emina Zoletic, PhD Student, University of Warsaw (Poland)* ​

Gaile Herling, Former Rape Crisis Advocate (US) ​

Jane Marx (US) ​

Alex McDonough (US) ​

Jessi Fuchs (US) ​

A. Jo Christian, Northern New Mexico Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ) (US)* ​

Carolyne Kroeker (Canada) ​

Nidara Ahmetasevic, Independent Researcher (Bosnia and Herzegovina) ​

Frank Deale, City University of New York Law School (US)*​

Prof. Keya Ganguly (US) ​

Serra Hakyemez, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota (US)*​

Richa Nagar (US) ​

Dr. David Faust (US) ​

Diana Crowson, The FreeSpook Movement (US)* ​

Kari Points, Liberation Facilitator (US)*​

Nathan Whittaker, Josie R. Johnson Social Justice & Human Rights Award Recipient, Activist Educator (University of Minnesota)​ (US)*​

Carly Duran, Instructor (US)​

Dr. Danielle Dadras (US) ​

Rebecca Weston, LCSW, Clinician with extensive experience working with rape and sexual assault survivors (US) ​

Gilbert Wald, Independent Former Zionist. (US) ​

Shona Gochenaur, Survivor& Independent Community Organizer (US) ​

Honey Lazar (US) ​

Gregory Corning, Veterans For Peace Santa Fe, New Mexico (US)* ​

Adrienne Papermaster, Independent Jewish Feminist (US) ​

Staci Burnett (US) ​

Lina Free (Guyana) ​

Valerie Joy, Member of WILPF; Quakers, Friends Peace Teams (Australia)* ​

Julie Weiner, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*​

Fatima Tufail (US) ​

Ceil Lavan, Dominican Sister of Blauvelt, NY (US)* ​

Dr. Kate Costigan, Wynnum Manly & Regional Community Services (Australia)*​

Prof. Dina Siddiqi (US) ​

Geykakken Inderyam (US) ​

Mar Bel (Canada) ​

Joy Collins, Member of WILPF Queensland (Australia)*​

Sister Verónica Esparza Ramírez (US)*​

Dr. Josephine Caldwell-Ryan (US) ​

Prof. Shahana Rasool, Head of Department of Social Work & Community (South Africa)* ​

None Oluwatoni Adeleke , Olive Community Development Initiative Nigeria (Nigeria )*​

Emanuela Falqui, Activist Feminist (Italy)*​

Armina Pilav, UN-War Space Lab (Bosnia and Herzegovina / Croatia)*​

Francesca Figari (Italy) ​

Sr. Dorothy Maxwell, Dominican Sister (US)*​

Ann-Marie Stillion, Artist (US) ​

Arnny Floden (Norway) ​

Prof. Christine Baeumler, University of Minnesota (US)*​

Rosie Grady, Independent Advocate (US) ​

Prof Sarojini Nadar, Desmond Tutu Chair in Religion & Social Justice (South Africa)*​

Paula Shaw, WILPF UK (UK) ​

Sister CatherineMarie Bazar, Dominican Sisters MSJ (US) ​

Sister Mary Sean Hodges, Mission San Jose Dominican, Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose (US) ​

Eva Beehner (US) ​

Sister Annunciata Auletta (US) ​

Mariana Prandini Assis, Assistant Professor, Federal University of Goiás (Brazil)*​

Lucia Zullo (Italy) ​

Glenn McPhee (US) ​

María Luisa Peralta, Lesbian Activist (Argentina) ​

Sister Jane Rudolph, Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose (US)*​

Jeanne Harris, Dominican Sister of Mission San Jose, CA (US) ​

Raquel Véstia, Human Rights Lawyer WILPF (Portugal)*​

Eli Nadeau, MSW, University of Minnesota (US)* ​

Kirsten Andersen (US) ​

Sadie Ciccia-Strain, Independent Advocate (US) ​

Patricia Dwyer (Australia) ​

Sister Cecilia Canales (US) ​

Nancy Morris-Judd (US) ​

Ellen Nash (US) ​

Jean Howard, George Delacorte Professor Emerita, Columbia University (US) ​

Jenny Labendz (US) ​

Prof. Paola Bacchetta, University of California Berkeley (US)*​

Sister Barbara Hagel, Dominican Sister (US)*​

Meera Jaffrey, Teacher/Film Maker/Writer/Independent Advocate (US)*​

Maureen Silverman, NYC Activist/Organizer (US) ​

Fatima Jaffer, Coalition of South Asian Women Against Violence (Canada)* ​

Sister Elvera Pellettieri, Dominican Sisters of MSJ (US)*​

Joy Dworkin (US) ​

Sister Reina Perea, OP, Dominican Sisters (US)* ​

Güley Bor, Lawyer and Researcher (Turkey) ​

Susie Nakley (US) ​

Isabel Marler, Feminist (UK) ​

Maria Villellas Ariño, WILPF Spain (Spain)* ​

Rev. Laura George, JD, Peace Pentagon (US)* ​

Dr. Tanya Radford (US)​

Johanna Cummings (US) ​

Margaux Ouimet, Independent Advocate (Canada) ​

Daniel Lentz (US) ​

Ms. Cecelia Byrnes, WRSPAC (US)*​

Kathy Koch (US) ​

Ana Abelenda, Independent Advocate (Uruguay) ​

Cami Tischler, Independent Advocate (US) ​

Michael Albert (US) ​

Karen Ackerman, Board, Jewish Voice for Peace Action (US)*​

Donna Aceto, Photographer, NYC (US) ​

Rosa Borenstein (US) ​

Mindy Gershon (US) ​

Jessica Witte-Dyer, Independent Advocate (US)*​

Paul Buhle, Author and Editor (US)*​

Phyllis Eckhaus (US)

John O'Brien, Gay Activist; Stonewall Veteran (US)

Carole Travis (US)

Ellman Annie Ellman (US)

Bev Grant (US)

Ruth Benn (US)

Virginia Rodino, Coalition of Labor Union Women, AFL-CIO (US)*

Felice Gelman, Middle East Crisis Response (US)*

Natalie Reuss (US)

Diane Elze, PhD, Associate Professor Emeritus, Social Work (US)

Dara Silverman, Jewish Voice for Peace- Hudson Valley (US)*

Julie Schwartzberg (US)

James E Vann, Former Co-Chair, National Committer for Independent Political Action (US)*

Thomas Edminster (US)

David Swanson, Author; Activist; World BEYOND War (US)*

Sally Jones, Peace Action Fund of New York State (US)*

Deeanna Galla , Independent Advocate (US)

Trude Bennett (US)

Lynn Lewis, Popular Educator (US)*

Lillian Rosengarten, Independent Advocate (US)

Jackie Saindon, Athens-Clarke Library Foundation (US)*

Jane Hirschmann, Co-chair, Freedom2Boycott NYS Coalition (US)*

Harriet Cohen (US)

Susan Sherman (US)

Sue Katz, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Sarah Shapiro (US)

Dr. Megan Madison (US)

Kimberly Otis, Women's Rights Advocate (US)

Naomi Glauberman (US)

Mimi Rosenberg, Attorney; Radio Journalist; Equal Rights & Justice & Building Bridges Productions, Pacifica/WBAI Public Affairs ​Producer (US)*

Stuart Aaronson, Independent Advocate (US)

Martin Halpern, Professor Emeritus, Henderson State University (US)*

Eleanor Ommani, Co-Founder American Iranian Friendship Committee (US)*

Martha Cameron, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr. Mark Lance (US)

Ted Glick, US Climate Justice Organizer (US)

Leslie Kielson (US)

Quito Ziegler, Dandelions NYC (US)*

Stephan Van Dam (US)

Kathe Karlson (US)

Fredi Lessac, LCSW (US)

Rebekah Azzarelli (US)

Bridget Connelly, Professor Emerita, University of California Berkeley (US)

Richard Schweid (US)

Juana Alicia Araiza, Artist (US)

Patty Heffley (US)

Alice Slater, J.D., World Beyond War (US)*

Thea Paneth, Arlington United for Justice with Peace (MA) (US)*

Susan Davidoff (US)

Marisa Brink (US)

Karen Nussbaum (US)

Carol Spooner, JD (US)

Nancy Wechsler (US)

William Monaghan (US)

Kathy Kelly, Board President, World BEYOND War (US)*

Prof. Tarry Hum, City University of New York (US)*

Carol Barton, Independent Feminist Advocate (US)

Sue O'Sullivan (UK)

Alisse Waterston, Presidential Scholar and Professor Emerita, City University of New York (US)*

Wendy Schwartz, Independent Advocate (US)

Nick Mottern (US)

Sue Hyde (US)

Jean Tepperman, Rape Survivor (US)

John D’Emilio, Emeritus Faculty, University of Illinois Chicago (US)

Eleanor Bader, Freelance Journalist (US)

Jackie Rudin, Activist; Founding Member, Rise and Resist (US)*

Sara Driscoll, Independent Advocate, Alliance for Water Justice in Palestine (US)*

Joy Schulman, Independent Advocate (US)

Marie Kennedy, Professor Emerita of Urban Planning, UMass Boston (US)

Nancy Romer, Professor Emerita, Brooklyn College, City University of New York (US)*

Wende Marshall, Disruption Project (US)*

Joan Vermeulen (US)

Dr. Nancy Murray (US)

Laina Giselle, LCSW (US)

Katya de Kadt (US)

Susan Leslie, Faith-Based Organizer (US)*

Karl Novak, Veteran for Peace (US)*

Joseph Gainza (US)

Bill Henning, OPEIU Local 32 (US)*

Ann Shirazi (US)

Susan Driscoll (US)

Carlin Meyer, Professor Emerita, New York Law School (US)*

Prof. Ellen Yaroshefsky (US)

Dr. Mark Brody, Independent Advocate (US)

Susan Ackoff Ortega, Visual Artist (US)

E. Perrone (US)

Elena Schwolsky, RN,Independent Advocate (US)*

Mimi Abramovitz, Professor Emerita; Writer and Activist (US)

Massoudeh Edmond (US)

Judith Smith, Professor Emerita of American Studies, University of Massachusetts Boston (US)*

Dr. Mark Solomon (US)

Patrick Houston, Independent Advocate (US)

Laura Pattison (US)

Judy Somberg (US)

Michelle McCormick, Cooperation Vermont (US)

Alison Lazarus, Peacebuilding Practitioner (South Africa)

Judith Schaffner (US)

Evelyn Machtinger (US)

Naomi Braine, Jewish, Feminist, Queer, Anti-Zionist (US)

Karen Judd, Independent Advocate (US)

Jennifer Zelnick, MSW, ScD (US)

Dave Lippman (US)

Helen Raizen (US)

KC Wagner (US)

David Vassar (US)

Beverly Gologorsky, Novelist/Essayist; Independent Advocate (US)

Prof. Chris Tilly, University of California Los Angeles (US)*

Claudia Massa, Peace and Justice Community Activist (US)

Myla Reson (US)

Andrea Nash, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr. Sandra Turner (US)

Prof. Joel Blau, Stony Brook University (US)*

Diana Debra Griffin (US)

Joseph Kiefer (US)

Carleigh Drake-Kidd (US)

Donna Gould, Independent Advocate (US)

Ryan Madden, Climate & Energy Justice Organizer (US)

Denise Rickles (US)

Julie Matos, Advocate & Activist “Indivisible Activate” (US)*

Marilyn Neimark (US)

Austin Hall (US)

Anne Imhoff, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr. Corina Marshall (US)

Lani Verges-Radack (US)

Anne Erde (US)

Maddy Oden, Executive Director, Tatia Oden French Memorial Foundation (US)*

Phyllis Schafer Rodriguez (US)

Catherine Russo (US)

Barbara Cassidy, John Jay College (US)*

Holly Near, Singer; Cultural Activist (US)

Mavis Belisle, Dallas Peace and Justice Center (US)

Lynn Feinerman, Women Rising Radio (US)*

Stuart Waldman (US)

Bruce Gagnon, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (US)*

Frances Kissling, Visiting Professor UNAM, Mexico (US)*

Cathy Hoffman (US)

Dr. Valerie Young (US)

Virginia Jordan (US)

Donna Korones (US)

Jennifer Scarlott, Western MA Coalition for Palestine (US)*

Jesse Deen (US)

Shirley Luban, Independent Advocate (US)

Elaine Brower (US)

Abigail Abysalh-Metzger (US)

Anita Dutt (US)

Medea Benjamin, Cofounder CODEPINK (US)*

Deborah Smith (US)

Nina Gregg, Knoxville Jewish Voice for Peace and Knoxville Women in Black (US)*

Michael Steven Smith, Attorney, Law And Disorder Radio (US)*

Sheila Goldmacher, Lifelong Political Social Justice Activist (US)

Debra Wise, Theater Artist (US)

Maria Disso (US)

Suzi Goldmacher (US)

Amy Kesselman, Professor Emerita, Women's,Gender and Sexuality Studies, State University of New York New Paltz (US)

Susan Kaplan (US)

David Mandel, Human Rights Attorney (US)

Ellen Davidson (US)

Kelly Campbell (US)

Camilo Pérez-Bustillo, Executive Director, National Lawyers Guild-San Francisco Bay Area Chapter (US / Colombia / Mexico)*

Laura Myerson (US)

Andrew Segal, attorney (US)

Serena Muchindu (Zambia)

Reverend Gabriella Velardi-Ward (US)

Melinda Smith, Jewish Voice for Peace-Albuquerque (US)*

Constance Breece, CNM (US)*

Ana Urrutia, Independent Advocate (Spain)

Barbara W. Young (US)

Dr. Roxan Saidi (US)

Miho Kim, Zainichi Korean Feminist Advocate for Solidarity (Korea / U.S.)

Megan Choritz, Anti Zionist Activist (South Africa)

Kaz Williams, Independent (UK)

Ellen Taylor, Lost Coast League (US)*

Susan Shawl (US)

Catherine Cusic (US)

Zayn Silva (US)

Paul Abraham (US)

Julie Elson (US)

Patsy Daniels, Independent Advocate (South Africa)

Dr. Dorothee Benz, Judson Memorial Church (US)*

Stephen deFluiter (US)

Natalie James, Northeast Region Vice President, UAW Local 2320 (US)*

Kathy Roberts (US)

Sheriden Thomas, Retired Lecturer, Tufts University (US)

Karin Schall (US)

Rania Missoumi (US)

Joan Glickman (US)

Dr. Cora Ormseth (US)

Amy Trompetter (US)

Christine Ahn, Executive Director, Women Cross DMZ (US)*

Dr. Carol Sotiropoulos , Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Dr. Susan Orovitz (US)

Sarah Murison (UK)

Charlene Pratt (US)

Lauryn Geosits (US)

Charlene Pratt (US)

Vicki Breitbart (United Staes)

Fadia Damon, Independent Advocate (US)

Dr. Sheila Dwight (US)

Gail Sullivan (US)

Madeline Belkin, LCSW (US)

Somyra B., Independent Advocate (US)

Giuliana Milanese (US)

Linda John, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Arrow Cole, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Kimberly Green (US)

Sugar Edwards, San Francisco AIDS Foundation (US)*

Ariel Koren, Founder, Respond Crisis Translation (US)

Dr. Kathleean McAfee, San Francisco State University (US)*

Julie Litwin (US)

Kathleen Hall, Independent Advocate (UK)

Pat Sanchez (UK)

Pat Bryden, Women in Black, Edinburgh (Scotland)*

Jill Stanton (US)

Helen Ledger, Brighton WILPF (UK)

Dr. Valeria Graziano, Centre for Advanced Studies, University of Rijeka (Croatia)*

Liesbeth van der Hoogte (Netherlands )

Dr. Marjorie Jobson, Khulumani Support Group (South Africa)*

Tina Johnson (UK)

Margaret Turner (UK)

Yvette Boersma-Mensinga (France)

Lynn Andrews (US)

Ellen Leopold (US)

Paul Nocera, Queer Citizen of Conscience (US)

Silja Kallenbach (US)

Joan Ross Frankson (UK)

Mary Scully, Feminist &. Anti-Zionist Political Writer & Activist (US)

Barbara Winslow, Professor Emerita, Women and Gender Studies; Activist (US)

Carol Wald, Independent Advocate (US)

Adrienne Greenbaum (US)

Kathe Dindo (US)

Dr. Carol Gross (US)

Joan McDonald, Teacher and Independent Neurodiversity Advocate (Ireland )

Shelley Cohen Fudge, Jewish Voice for Peace-DC Metro (US)*

Ellen Israel, BSN, CNM, MPH Independent Advocate (US)

Julien Poirier (US)

Ruth Gilburt, Independent Advocate (UK)

Guthrie Smith (US)

Karen Rhein (US)

Susan McDonough (US)

Ellen Siegel, R.N. (US)

Melissa Murray, Independent Advocate (UK)

Shelley Sella, M.D. (US)

Patricia Hynes, Independent Advocate (US)

Barbara Chasin, Professsor Emertia, Sociology, Montclair State University; Member Ithaca SJP/JVP (US)*

Rachel Levy, MD (US)*

John Francis Mulligan (US)

Susana Estorga, Reproductive Justice Advocate (US)

Eileen Goldman (US)

Vida Henning, Peace Maker (UK)

Jesse Werthman (US)

Dr. Linda Gaither, Episcopal Peace Fellowship (US)*

Fredda Damast (US)

Iris Biblowitz, RN (US)

Harvey Bender, JD, Jewish Voice for Peace Bay Area (US)*

Tracy Flanagan, MD (US)

Hal Muskat, Veterans for Peace (US)*

Scott Solmundson (Canada)

Karen Slotnick (US)

Robert Abramovitz, MD, Trauma Specialist (US)

Susan Cohen, Independent Advocate (US)

Ynestra King (US)

Dr. Eleanor Roffman (US)

Dr. Barbara Kidney (US)

Jeanette Abendstern, Dumfries and Galloway PSC (UK)*

Guy Robinson (US)

Lucy Henehan (Ireland)

Anya Tucker, Jewish Voice for Peace; IJAN; SJP (US)*

Eleanor Gottesman, MD (US)

Phyllis Bennis, Institute for Policy Studies & Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Saayli Kokitkar, MPH, Public Health Professional (US)

Esther Merves (US)

Stephen Soldz, Boston Graduate School of Psychoanalysis (US)*

Gilly Kenealy (UK)

Lorraine Cohen, Professor Emerita, LaGuardia Community College, NY; Independent Advocate (US)

Sonia Silbert (US)

Dan DeWalt, Peace/Justice Advocate (US)

Dr. Carolyn Karcher, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Ms. Marcia Hylan, Peace and Justice Advocate (US)

David Vassar, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Dr. Ani Tapishh, Independent Advocate (US)*

Taylor Sarakaitis (US)

Monica Salazar (US)

Abigail Mnookin (US)

Sarah Szalavitz, Accountability Architect & Avenger (US)

Jean McGuire, PhD (US)

Abdel Rahman Al-Falou, Unikomitee München für Palästina (Germany)*

Matt Dricker, Jewish Voice for Peace VT-NH (US)*

John White, Princeton University (US)*

Elisaveta Wrangell (US)

Michael Hanish (US)

Jenny Bender, LICSW, Independent Advocate(US)

Cheryl Weller (US)

Mary McClintock, Feminist Activist (US)

Elijah Summers, Member, Brattleboro Area Jewish Community (US)

Hima Bee, Filmmaker (US)

Imani Keith Henry, MSW, MPA (US)

Arlene Halfon (US)

Maya Faerstein-Weiss (US)

Philippe Fanchette (Mauritius)

Rae Levine (US)

Dr.Shereen Usdin, Independent Advocate (South Africa)*

Diane Halcoussis, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Sara McNamara (Ireland)

Cait Ni Cadlaig, Equal Rights Campaigner (Scotland)

Phyllis Ewen (US)

Elizabeth Harris (US)

Yani Alexander (US)

Susan Bloch (US)

Patricia O’Keefe (US)

Melissa Nussbaum, Spiritual & Cultural Life Manager, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Ellen Tolmie (Canada)

Beatriz McConnie Zapater, Educator and Artist; Independent Advocate (US)

Donald Pelles, PhD, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Carolyn Magid (US)

Laura Lockie (US)

Deborah Shaffer (US)

Linda Dittmar, Professor Emerita University of Massachusetts Boston (US)

Rev. Dr. Karen Ziegler, Democracy Out Loud, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Jane Hall, Independent Advocate (US)

Jim Emerman, Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area; author, Our Roots are Still Alive (US)*

Miles Horton (US)

Celebrate 845, Grassroots Organization, Hudson Valley, NY (US)

Mars McInerney (US)

Nancy Jacobsen (US)

Jessica Levant, Ally and Independent Advocate of Humanity (US)

Prof. Bill Flack, Bucknell University (US)*

Leon Glover, Salem State SJP (US)*

Sung Sohn, Education for Social Justice Foundation (US)*

Richard Levy (US)

Dominic Poropat (US)

Janice Bradley (US)

Martha Larsen, Quaker, Catholic (US)*

Shira Leitson-Grabelsky (US)

Dr. Richard Rothschiller, Independent Advocate (US)*

Nancy Tompkins (US)

Peggy Dee (US)

Eve Hershcopf (US)

Pam Rogers (US)

Caitlin Henderson, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Vicki Klein (US)

Judith Laitman (US)

Robin Andersen, Professor Emerita, Fordham University (US)*

Kate Hirschmann-Levy, MD, Physician in Obstetrics & Gynecology (US)

Sondra Stein, Feminist Activist, Durham, North Carolina (US)

Lynette Carlton (US)

Christine Henderson, Feminist Peace Activist (Australia)

Jaya Schuerch (Switzerland)

Dr.Yakov Pipman, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Elena Cason, Feminist Peace Activist (Switzerland)

K. T. Maclay (Mexico)

Eve Gordon (US)

Lorena Herrera (Mexico)

Prof. Michael Bronski, Harvard University (US)*

Dr. Liat Ben-Moshe (US / Israel)

Shad Reinstein, LGBTQI Independent Advocate (US)

Jody Laine, Independent Advocate (US)

Vicki Smith, LGBT Feminist Immigration Activist US (US)

Janice Buchanan (Canada)

Talcott Broadhead, MSW, Lead Researcher/Developer of a Primary Prevention Capability Model for a National Sexual Violence ​Resource Center (US)

Renée Steinhagen, Jewish Voice for Peace, Northern New Jersey (US)*

Lily Ann Ritter, Esq., Former Domestic Violence Attorney (US)

Leanne Franson (Canada)

Kohenet Anna Maranta, Independent Social Justice Advocate (Canada)

Wendy Fisher, Jewish Voice for Peace, New Jersey (US)*

Mary Edmondson, Independent Advocate(US)*

Sandy Polishuk, Writer; Feminist; Activist (US)

Jessica Maffia (US)

Haeli Warren (US)

Stephanie Seller (US)

Sarah Kanouse (US)

Laura Glauberman (US)

Marcia Peterzell, Bubbie (US)

Donna Aceto, Photographer, NYC (US)

David Newman, FNP, MSN (US)*

Victoria Stoppiello (US)

Dr. Mengia Tschalär (US)*

Dr. Barbara Isaacs (US)

Karl Drinkwater (Scotland)

Bobbie Jeal (Scotland)

Prof. Esperanza Martell, Retired, Hunter College School of Social Work (US)

Sheila Garrett, Activist; Survivor (US)

Patrick Suzeau, Professor Emeritus, University of Kansas (US)

Taylor Brown (US)

Linda Wilson (US)

Stephanie Yesner, Independent Advocate (US)

Prof. Marilyn Frankenstein, Retired, University of Massachusetts Boston (US)

Judy Blankenship, Independent Advocate (US / Canada / Ecuador)

Frankie Green, Women's Liberationist (England)

Elysabeth Callaway-Bond (Scotland)

Donna Matrazzo (US)

Koby Leff, Hampshire College (US)*

Jama Chaplin (US)

Penny Allen, Independent Advocate (US)

Jonathan Baker (US)

Lauren Currie (UK)

Ben Rosen-Filardo (US)

Treasa Ní Cheannabháin (Ireland)

Diane Langford, Writer (England)

Sandra Drake, Professor Emerita, Stanford University (US)*

Sister Ingrid Clemmensen, Dominican Sister (US)*

Dr. Raymond Meyer, PhD, Professional Academic Translator (US)

Prof. Laurie Mercier, Washington State University (US)*

Laura Kogel, If Not Now; Feminist (US)*

Anthony Higgins (US)

Kathie Sarachild, Redstockings Women's Liberation (US)*

Zoe Fay (Canada)

Meehyeon Song (US)

Linda John, Member Ally, JVP Bay Area (US)*

Rakgadi-Prisca Mammotong, Independent Feminist Activist (South Africa)

Prof. Falguni Sheth, Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Emory University (US)*

Cecelia Byrnes (US)

Julia Worcester (US)

Dr. Joshua Miller, Professor Emeritus, Smith College (US)

Luiselle Rivera, Independent Advocate(US)

Arshad Parray (US)

Rev. Jo Murphy (US)

Marianne Pita, Member, Jewish Voice for Peace NYC (US)*

Madge Kaplan (US)

Karen Hoover, MD, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Dia Day (US)

Ellen Schwartz (USA)

Emily Hobson, Historian and Scholar (US)

Johanna Lawrenson, Abbie Hoffman Activist Foundation (US)*

Odette Mazel (Australia)

Anna Berg, Jewish Voice for Peace NYC (US)*

Signe Markvard, Documentary Film Maker (Denmark)

Jacques Sibony (France)

Saliha Ibersiene, Independent Advocate (Algeria)

Juliette Simon, BDS Campaign (France)

Kaspar Kasparian (US)

Jules Falquet (France)

Jocelyne Rainchapel-Messaï, Member, French Jewish Union for Peace UJFP (France)*

Stéphane Delorme, Member, French Jewish Union for Peace UJFP; Jewish Voice for Peace (France)*

Dr. John Cooke (US)

Andrea Lowenkopf (US)

Prof. Dina Matar, Soas (UK)*

Miriam Delorme (France)

Prof. Alan Grinnell (US)

Prof. Saleem Badat, University of the Free State (South Africa)*

Dr. Jane Quin, Feminist (South Africa)

Dr. Saajidha Sader, University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)*

Dr. Shuaib Manjra, University of Cape Town (South Africa)*

Prof. Sa'diyya Shaikh, University of Cape Town (South Africa)*

Ellen McCarthy, Green Party (US)*

Anna Campbell (UK)

Rahila Gupta, Chair, Southall Black Sisters (UK)*

Ángela Cuevas de Dolmetsch, Honorary Life President of FiD -International Federation of Women Lawyers (Colómbia)

Carmen Ramirez (US)

Julie Enslow (US)

Laura Foner (US)

Darren Kwong (US)

Luxy Bela, PUKAPSolo (Indonesia)*

Rachel Betesh, Women's Health Nurse; Member, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Deborah Gausmann, Member, Unitarian Universalists of Mt. Airy, Phila. PA (US)*

Derek Sayer (Canada)

Diana Lewis, Independent Advocate (US)

Nato Shavlakadze (Georgia)*

Dhany Ningtyas, Independent Transport Consultant; Mom (Germany)*

Gretchen Baldwin (Sweden)

Suhail Shafi (US)*

Prof. Emerita Sonia Dayan-Herzbrun, Université Paris Cité (France)*

Emily Wong (Indonesia)

Deborah Zubow, Tikkun Olam Chavuray (US)*

Noria Mechhar (France)

Nada Wahba (Egypt)

Jeanne Hefez (France)

Saliha Ibersiene, Independent Advocate (Algeria)*

Nadiah Lubis, S. Psi (Indonesia)

Thomas Reid (US)

Laura Myerson (US)

Fatha Lakhdari (France)

Susan Smith, Muslim Peace Fellowship (US)

Sara Gowen (UK)

Michael Myerson (US)

Roberta Wood (US)

Beatrice Lumpkin (US)

William Monaghan (US)

Susan O'Malley, Professor Emerita, English, CUNY (US)

Selena R (US)

Saida Ali, Independent Advocate (Kenya)

Maria Gallardo, Activist (France)

Kris Kleindienst, Writer; Owner, Left Bank Books (US)

Allison Newman (US)*

Dr. Jeanne Koopman (US)

Dr. Liza Alpert, Licensed Clinical Psychologist (US)

Martha Leader, Unitarian Universalist Ally (US)*

Alexa Holmes (US)

Maria Landi, Independent Analyst, Translator; Activist (Uruguay)

Lise Brody (US)

Joan Glickman (US)

Steve Heeren, PhD , Convener, Palestine Study Group (Canada)*

Myrna Marcarian, Teacher; Activist; Freedom Lover; Truth Seeker( US)

Marlene Fried, Professor Emerita, Hampshire College (US)*

Ting Barrow, NY Progressive Action Network (US)

Mark Grill (Canada)

Susan Fairbairn (Canada)

Mona Tajalli, Women Living Under Muslim Laws (US)*

Joan Campana, Social Justice Activist; Child Sex Abuse Survivor (Canada)*

Linda Arkin, LCSW, Director of Connect and Change (US)*

Nilufar Bahromzoda, Feminist; Women’s Rights Activist (Tajikistan)

Susan Allee (US)

Dr. Josephine Caldwell-Ryan, Southern Methodist University (US)*

Ximena Alexandra Arguello Calle, Executive Director, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality (Netherlands)*

Clare Nolan, Congregation of Our Lady of Charity of the Sisters of the Good Shepherd (US)*

Rebecca Alpert, Professor Emerita of Religion, Temple University (US)*

Rabbi Esther Azar (US)

Veerle Dams, Advocacy Coordinator, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality (Netherlands)

Nora Sharp (US)

Socialist Feminist Working Group of the Democratic Socialists of America, NYC Chapter (US)

Stephanie David (UK)

Linda Guinee(US)

Ellen Gurzinsky, MSW, Actvist (US)

Tricia Cooke (US)

Carey Toran (US)

Anne Erde (US)

Poppy Stanbury, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality (UK)*

Elizabeth Jackson (UK)

Lisa Philippo, CHOICE for Youth (France)*

Abbey Gilchrist, Youth Advocate, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality (Netherlands)*

Patricia Christie (Canada)

Anjali George, Independent Advocate (Germany)

María Lis Baiocchi (Argentina)

Judith Levine, Journalist; Contributing Writer, The Intercept (US)

Meredith Moore, Educator (US)

Rae Breaux (US)

Deborah Tomas, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Fatima Rahmati (Australia)

Verity Elizabeth (US)

Helena Twarowski, Independent Advocate, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality (Netherlands / US)*

Jishava Patel (US)

Terra Mikalson (US)

Elin Nelson (US)

Rose Murphy (France)

Claire Pryor (US)

Yahia Zaidi, Senior Advocacy Manager, GIN SSOGIE (Algeria / Belgium)*

Rev. Toni Kruger-Ayebazibwe, GIN SSOGIE (South Africa)*

Michelle Chalmers (US)

Yasmine Ben Abdessalem, CHOICE For Youth and Sexuality (Netherlands / Tunisia)*

Prof. Henning Melber (Sweden)

Jo Broese (Turkey)

Dr. Ingeborg Grau (Austria)

Dr. Gudrun Sif Fridriksdottir, Senior Researcher, Nordic Africa Institute (Sweden)*

Reinhart Kössler, Social Scientist (Germany)

Sierra Dearns, Independent Advocate (US)

Katrín Har∂ardóttir, Independent Advocate (Iceland)

Gabrielle Sather-Olson (US)

Anne Stachofsky, Independent Advocate (US)

Sophie Vissers, Independent Researcher (Netherlands)

Brynja Óskarsdóttir (Iceland)

Melissa Bueno (US)

Cynthia Kolbowski, Jewish Voice for Peace Elder; Health Worker (US)

Katie Halper, Host The Katie Halper Show; Co-host Useful Idiots; Former Editor Feministing (US)

Dr. Ellen Isaacs (US)

Pedro Cruz, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Zool Zulkowitz, The Art & Politics of Justice & Joy (US)

Prof. Barrie Adleberg (US)

Jen Cohen (US)

Christine Schmidt (US)

Sara Lopez (US)

Prof. Laura Wernick, Fordham University (US)*

Dr. Deborah L. Kaplan, Adjunct Associate Professor, CUNY School of Public Health and Health Policy (US)*

Sara Abiboutros, Esq. (US)

Danielle Y (US)

Laurie R. Lehman (US)

Cindy Chong (US)

Laura Hart (US)

Prof. Mimi S. Daitz, The City College/CUNY (US)*

Janet Goodman-Clarke (US)

Prof. Linda Gordon (US)

Jo Oppenheimer, Co-Founder, The Counseling Center for Women, Israel (US)*

Maria Karsou, Independent Advocate (US)

Valerie Striar (US)

V Jane Orendain, Jewish Voice for Peace (US)*

Jenny Heinz, LCSW (US)

Perrin Milliken, Independent Advocate (US)

Leora Harris (US)

Ann Shirazi (US)

Rachel Saywitz (US)

Melanie Almenas, Independent Advocate (US)

Michelle Diaz (US)

Trudy Silver, United Federation of Teachers (US)*

Zoe Beloff (US)

Sasha Ross Becker (US)

Denise Rickles (US)

Emily Wenzel (US)

Mark Ambrosino (US)

Gina Eichenbaum-Pikser, Community Midwifery Care (US)*

Rebecca Firestone, Cisco Systems (US)*

Lisa Ryan (US)

Wendy Kuhr (US)

Dr. Miller Oberman (US)

Emma Alpert (US)

Chloe Lubell (US)

Holly White (US)

Luise Eichenbaum (U.S.)

Heather Davis (US)

Chaia Lehrer, Jewish Voice for Peace, Hudson Valley (US)*

Holly Zurer, Birth Doula; World Citizen and Witness (US)

Deborah Kapell (US)

Eugenie Dubnau (US)

Gloria Brandman (US)

Joy Pereths, Jewish Voice for Peace-NYC (US)*

Fabienne Bouville, Feminist, Jewish Advocate (US / France)

Alice Sturm Sutter, FNP; Retired Family Nurse Practitioner (US)

Katharine B. Wolpe (US)

Sharon Kivowitz (US)

Claudia Mason, CPC (US)

Prof. Barbara Weinstein, New York University (US)*

Kathy Doy, Independent Advocate (US)

R. Pikser (US)

Diane Mason, Independent Advocate (US)

Lili Zanuck (US)

Ms. Janis-Rozena Peri (US)

Cynthia Nibbelink Worley, Independent Advocate (US)

Sophia Ambrosino (US)

Reah Siegel, Nurse (US)

Erika Munk (US)

Ellen Cantarow, Independent Journalist (US)

Charlotte Phillips, MD, Brooklyn For Peace (US)*

Carole Naggar (US / France)

Ora Gladstone (US)

Monica Rickenberg (US)

Shari Vrod (US)

Prof. David Ludden, New York University (US)*

Addison LeBeau (US)

Hristiana Stamou (Greece)

Lisa Hoff (US)

Sonia Jaffe Robbins, Independent Feminist (US)

İlayda Piri, Youth Advocate, CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality (The Netherlands)*

Sari Graham (US)

Wendy J Panken (US)

Barbara Forrest (US)

David Silberberg (US)

Hara Klein, JVP (US)

Debbie Lubarr (US)

Dr. Annique Caplan, Palestinian Rights Activist (US)

Rachel Osborn (US)

LICSW Wendy Osborn (US)

Skipper Silberberg-Edward (US)

Andi Longpre (US)

Susan Ince (US)

Kipp Lyle, Indy Advocate (US)

Heulwen Baworowska (UK)

Dean Kendall (US)

Lisa Longstaff, Women Against Rape (UK)*

Selma James, Global Women's Strike (UK)*

Nina Lopez, Legal Action for Women (UK)*

Ella Engel-Snow (US)

Giorgio Riva, Payday Men's Network (UK / US)*

Danica Mitchell, LCSW / AASECT Sex Therapist (US)*

Sara Callaway, Women of Colour Global Women's Strike (UK)*

Antonietta Agostini (Italy)

Betty Yamamoto, Individual US Citizen (US)

Babar Mumtaz (UK)

Gloria Jacobs (US)

Elizabeth Gilarowski, Independent Advocate (Canada)

Andrew H. Lee (US)

Jan Corderman, WILPF (US)*

Naomi Scheman, Professor Emerita, University of Minnesota; Member, Boston Workers Circle (US)*

Lindsey Collen, Novelist; Active in LALIT and Muvman Liberasyon Fam (Mauritius)*

Dr. Victoria Browne (UK)

Dean Kendall, Subsistence Farmer (US)

Rutendo Madzikanda, Academic and Researcher (Zimbabwe)

Ruben Navarro, Miembro del sitio Correspondencia de Prensa (Uruguay)

Anna Nikoghosyan, Feminist Scholar and Activist (Armenia)

Jamie Khor (US)

Gabriel Silvano (US / Philippines)

Eric Stevenson (Canada)

*Affiliation included for identification purposes only

Please click here if you would like to add your name.


These links are provided for background on the issues raised in the statement and to direct readers to additional resources. Inclusion here does not imply endorsement of content on the part of statement signers.

Feminist Ceasefire Statements

Palestinian Feminist Collective Statement

Feminists for a Free Palestine statement

Feminist Manifesto for Palestine

Statement by 1,200 scholars working in feminist, queer, and trans studies

Global Fund for Women “Stop the Massacre” statement

National Women’s Studies Association statement

Social movement activists’ statement

Feminist Op-Eds and Statements on Oct. 7 Rape Allegations and/or Weaponization of the Issue of Rape

11/25/2023 Palestinian Feminist Collective statement on International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women

12/1/23 MADRE statement calling for a survivor-centered approach to sexual violence​beyond/

12/8/23 The Edge op-ed by Zillah Eisenstein

12/13/23 NY Times op-ed by Jill Filipovic

1/4/24 Aljazeera op-ed by Maryam Aldossari

1/7/24 Survivor Advocates in Support of the San Francisco Ceasefire Resolution

1/16/24 CounterPunch op-ed by Heidi Matthews and Tanya Serisier

Bombing Gaza Isn’t Fighting Sexual Violence

1/19/24 Jadaliyya op-ed by Nada Elia

2/25/24 Medium op-ed by Lina AbiRafeh

Feminist Solidarity Collective for Palestine critique of NY Times reporting on Hamas rape allegations

Speak Up - Middle East/North African (MENA) Feminist Initiative statement on NY Times reporting on Hamas rape ​allegations​occupation-propaganda/

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom Statement

Human Rights Watch statement on investigating sexual and gender-based violence in conflict

Gender-Based Violence and Gender Inclusion Professionals statement

Southall Black Sisters Statement

Select Media Coverage and Source Materials on the Oct. 7 Allegations and the Sexual Assault Issue

11/10/23 Guardian article on implications of failure of Israeli government to preserve evidence in Oct. 7 attack​violence-in-hamas-attacks

11/14/23 Reuters article on Israeli families condemning women’s groups​up-2023-11-13/

11/29/23 US Congressional letter calling on UN Women to condemn Hamas​letter-calling-on-un-women-to-condemn-hamas-sexual-violence-against-israeli-women1.pdf

11/30/23 The Hill article on congressional letter condemning UN Women

11/30/23 Reuters article on UN Commission investigating war crimes by Israel and Hamas​2023-11-29/

November 2023 Physicians for Human Rights Israel Position Paper on Sexual Violence on Oct. 7

Image of 12/4/23 Full page ad in NY Times (paid for​/liveblog_entry/full-page-ad-in-nytimes-calls-on-world-not-to-ignore-hamas-sex-crimes-on-oct-7/

12/4/23 UN Special Session on Sexual Violence organized by Israeli Mission to the UN on 12/4 (scroll down in article for link ​to video of entire session)​rape-of-israeli-women/

12/4/23 US Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand statement at UN Special Session

12/1/23 UN Women statement on reported gender-based violence

12/1/23 National Review article attacking Astraea Lesbian Foundation for Justice & naming board members

12/2/23 Haaretz article condemning UN Women for their "late response"​/ty-article/.premium/after-eight-weeks-un-women-condemns-hamas-use-of-sexual-violence-on-oct-7/0000018c-2b09-dc03-​a9ec-3f7ba0190000

12/4/23 National Review article attacking Women for Women International​are-the-women-of-women-for-women-international/

12/5/23 Fox News attack on Pramila Jayapal

12/5/23 Reuters article on accounts of sexual violence and difficulties in investigating​victims-2023-12-05/

12/6/23 Times of Israel article on Biden, Netanyahu attacks on women’s rights groups

12/6/23 Guardian article on Israel’s condemnation of Unicef ED for not condemning Hamas early or strongly enough and its ​refusal to provide access to UN investigators​israel

12/8/23 CNN clip of former Microsoft CEO Sheryl Sandberg criticizing feminist orgs​/2023/12/08/the-lead-sheryl-sandberg-un-on-hamas-sexual-violence-jake-tapper.cnn

12/8/23 Mondoweiss article on lack of evidence in allegations against Hamas​gaza/

12/11/23 Letter from US Senators to UN Secretary General denouncing UN Women’s response to 10/7 allegations

12/12/23 NBC News article on 33 US Senators criticizing UN Commission of Inquiry

12/24/23 Intercept article on the global response to weaponization of the sexual assault allegations

1/19/24 AP article on women and children as main victims of war on Gaza

1/29/24 NY Times article on new UN investigation

1/30/24 Intercept article on NY Times internal strife over article investigating Hamas sexual violence

1/30/24 CBC article on why investigating Oct. 7 sexual assault allegations will be a long process

2/9/24 Mother Jones article on protests at Columbia Univ. event on sexual violence in conflict featuring Hillary Clinton and ​Sheryl Sandberg

2/19/24 United Nations: Rights experts call for probe into alleged violations against Palestinian women and girls

2/22/24 Guardian article on reported Israeli sexual assaults of Palestinian women​panel-says

2/25/24 Mondoweiss article on bias charges against NY Times reporter hired to investigate Oct. 7 rape charges

2/27/24 Oct7FactCheck investigation into Oct. 7 sexual assault allegations

2/28/24 Intercept article on pro-Israel bias underlying NY Times reporting on Oct. 7 rape charges

2/29/24 Mondoweiss op-ed on Israeli soldiers posting selfies displaying looted Palestinian women’s undergarments

3/4/24 UN Report of Pramila Patten, Special Representative of the Secretary General on Sexual Violence in Conflict​of-the-srsg-svc-to-israel-and-the-occupied-west-bank-29-january-14-february-2024/20240304-Israel-oWB-CRSV-report.pdf

3/4/24 ReliefWeb press release detailing scope, methodology and findings of Patten UN Report​general-sexual-violence-conflict-mspatten-finds-sexual-violence-occurred-7-oct-and-against-hostages-and-calls-fully-​fledged-investigation

3/4/24 National Public Radio article on Patten UN report

3/6/24 Foundation for Middle East Peace podcast on media bias in reporting on Oct. 7 allegations

3/11/24 Mondoweiss op-ed on Patten report by Feminist Solidarity Network for Palestine

3/28/24 Middle East Monitor article on Israeli media challenging award of prize to lawyer instrumental in making mass rape ​allegations:​hamas-mass-rape-allegations/

6/7/24 Times of London article (excerpted - full article is behind paywall) questioning evidence of mass sexual assault on ​Oct. 7

Additional Resources

Palestinian Feminist Collective website

Solidarity with Palestine - A Radical Black Feminist Mandate

Pirate Feminist Solidarity Resource Website created by Barnard Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies faculty

Webinar: Palestine is a Feminist Struggle: Emerging Feminist Organizing from the Homeland to the US

Review of African Political Economy Blog: Why Palestine is a Feminist and an Anti-Colonial Issue

Palestinian Feminist Collective Statement on Reproductive Genocide in Gaza
